Why Landis?
Turn leads into buyers
By working with Landis, we can help your unqualified leads become qualified buyers to keep your closings on track and on schedule.
Faster closing times
As an institutional buyer, Landis removes the normal headaches that come with selling a new home by providing all-cash offers and expedited closing timelines.
Financing support
If financing falls through for your buyer, Landis can step in to purchase the home on their behalf and rent to them until their financing is secured.
Closing is simple
Sign up and help your customers become homeowners with Landis.
Get started
Refer a customer on our Partner Portal.
We approve them within 24 hours.
Landis buys the house all cash and rents it to them.
Need more answers?
We are here to help and answer any question you may have.
Become a homeowner.
Apply for our Landis program and see how we can help you on your homeownership journey.